Consuming VS Creating
Often when people hear the word ‘consuming’ they think of ‘consumerism’ as in the spending of money, making purchases, collecting products to consume, use, eat, etc., and throw away.
There is another kind of consuming that has come up in my work with people. It’s the consuming of ‘information’. In this day and age, the information available is so vast and easily accessed that people are consuming from the moment they wake up in the morning.
Cell phones and other various devices have made ‘consuming’ information so easy so that instead of physical gluttony, it’s causing mental gluttony.
The mental gluttony from consuming information – no matter how good that information may seem – has taken over so much mental space in people’s minds that having the time to think creatively has become a luxury.
When I ask people what is their vision, or dream, or how much of their day they spend taking the time to create in their mind, it can be a shock to some how they have lost this part of themselves and their life.
Life becomes a focus on one crisis or problem to solve after another. Life becomes reactive, not proactive.
The last period in life (other than perhaps childhood) where people took time to envision or dream may have been in college or university. Where life was simpler and of course having the time to dream of what life would be like after graduating.
But then, after gradating from whatever final school a person finishes in their formal education journey, all the responsibilities of adulthood get taken on and less and less time, energy, and space is given to actually using their minds for thinking, envisioning, dreaming, and creating.
When people realize how little time they spend practicing the art of creative thinking, which leads to creative action, which leads to a more creative life, they can be shocked.
What happened?
LIFE Happened – with the constant bombardment of Constant Negative News (CNN), and an abundance of other entertaining or News Stories 24/7 to choose from, constant underlying stress emotions can be triggered with the mental noise. Then the mental trap is to consume more to keep up and ‘be informed’. Add in the practical daily responsibilties of work, family, kids, etc.
Does it ever end?
Is there ever a day when you scroll through the cell phone and think ‘ OK, I’m informed enough now.’
Most people don’t get there. There is always ‘more’ to be informed about. More of ‘what’s next’. More to CONSUME.
Another crisis?
Another war?
Another mandate?
Another whatever…..?
Working with people I often suggest morning and evening rituals that involve being off consuming from the outside world (cell phone, laptops, ipads, etc.) for even a short time period and to connect and focused on their inner world. Specifically in the realm of envisioning and creative thinking that can then lead to creative actions that can lead to a more creative life.
Consuming VS Creating
Do your own self evaluation. See what you come up with.
How much of your head space is used for consuming on a daily basis?
How much of your head space is used for creative thinking?
Here is a quote from a very smart man:

Being tempted into too much time with the drama of the world takes away the energy from creating your own life.
It’s not easy to be Creative/Proactive. – Reactive from over consuming is far easier and seems to be the norm.
Don’t Be Normal – Be Creative !