What Are Your Mindset Rituals ?
For some people life has slowly come back to what it once was.
For other people life will never be the same.
Some relationships will never be the same.
Some jobs – or lost jobs will never be restored.
Some people have lived and continue to live with great fear and anxiety about health issues.
Others have experienced being shamed, shunned, and humiliated over health choices.
I wanted to reach out and share something that I see is helpful for mental health and mindset.
There are many uncertainties ( and always have been ) in the world:
- What new disaster will come?
- What new deadly variant is lurking somewhere in the world?
- What will happen in Europe?
- How can the economy recover?
And so on
Working with clients individually is a complex process. Everyone comes with unique circumstance and life situation they are navigating.
One common underlying question that does come up when I work with people is:
- How Do You Start Your Day?
And ….
- How Do You End Your Day?
A few years ago a friend and I spoke about how to improve our mindset to deal better with all that is going on around us.
We both agreed and committed to starting the day and ending it in the right way.
We both agreed DO NOT Start Our Day By :
- Looking/listening to the news
- Getting on social media, FB, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok,
Linked in, etc.
- Checking texts
- Checking phone messages
- Netflix, etc.
These often create an internal stressful emotional state. Not a good way to start your day!
Then that ‘STATE‘ dictates your feelings and how you begin to react to your day.
What we did agree TO DO was to start and end our day doing one or more of our rituals FIRST thing in the morning and again at night.
Some good ones to consider and some of you perhaps may already be doing:
- Some form of Meditation ( Guided or self directed)
- Exercise/Activity
- Reading an inspiring book
- Journal writing
- Listen to soothing music
- Drawing, painting, creating,
– Etc.
We focus and take care of ourselves FIRST thing in the morning with one or more of our rituals.
Whether it’s just even a few minutes or a longer, taking care of yourself first thing in the morning is how you set your mindset for the day.
Daily rituals are important for structuring our own mindset and improves mental health.
Otherwise the outer environment dictates our inner mindset and mental state.
- CNN ( Constant Negative News) can wait – it will be there when you choose to look at it.
- Social media posts, etc. can wait — they will also be there when you choose to look.
- Text messages and emails will also be there when you choose to look.
Healthy morning rituals fill your mental mind cup and prime your mental, emotional, spiritual mindset and focus for the day.
It doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but it does set you up to better handle what life throws at you.
More than ever I have been working with people getting their focused mindset back on track to become clear, confident, purposeful, and vision driven people.
Mental health and mindset are the beginning steps for change.
How you start and end you day IS something you have control over and you can create for yourself.
Even 5 min can make a difference.
There is also reaching out, connecting, and getting support when needed when going through a challenging life situation.
What Are Your Mindset Rituals ?
Go and create some for yourself !